Segmentation Examples

Here’s what Segment Ninja can help you do and why it’s important:

Segment Ninja will automatically append privacy compliant data to every customer as they buy so you can segment and sell more profitably. Combined with automations and default behavioral segmentation, CRO, open, click-through, conversion rates and other KPIs can improve dramatically. After the data append, you’ll be able to segment by one or more of the following:

1. Age Range

Product mix, social media strategy, creative and messaging should look and feel age relevant. E.g., urban hipsters vs. empty-nesters.

2. Presence of Children

The Presence of Children will influence discretionary spending and on what. Message, price and merchandise accordingly.

3. Education

Education can often be an important factor in what people buy, how much and how often.

4. Home Ownership

Homeowners and renters spend differently. A homeowner isn’t always more affluent. Renters aren’t always blue-collar workers.

5. Occupation

For some merchants it will be important to know whether a buyer is a low-Income empty-nester or affluent professional. Occupation sometimes influences what people buy and how much they spend.

6. Income

Household Income is a critical determinant of RFM. Combined with other Segmentation Variables, conversions can be dramatically improved. Income may also inform product mix and pricing decisions.

7. Net Worth

Net Worth has clear implications on product and buying decisions. Lifestyle messaging can vary by vertical (i.e., travel, entertainment, luxury vs discount goods, financial services, etc.).

8. Technology Use

How tech-savvy buyers are can have a dramatic influence on media and entertainment choices (i.e., Netflix, YouTube, etc.), device usage (mobile, tablet, etc.), social media behaviors, how comfortable consumers are with shopping online and how/where to engage them.

9. Urbanicity

Distance to shopping may influence who buys online vs offline, how much they spend, whether they buy lawn chairs, walk to work, drive cars or use Uber.

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